Mini cooper -Mr bean car

Image used only on representation

By seeing the title you might have guessed , we are going to talk about the evergreen MR bean’s car .Well Mr bean is one of the most popular and all time classic cartoon be it either for small children or adult , and trust me it gives a another level comedy and comic timing . Any ways coming back to the article , the car which is used in MR bean series .


The car was first seen on 1 January 1991 which had inline 4 cylinder with a capacity of 998 cc generating 39hp and 4,750rpm and the model used was the 1979 mini . The first mini that was introduced in Mr bean’s series was orange –

later the car was replaced by 1977 British Leyland Mini 1000 changed to green because the car previously showcased was crashed later , and was Austin Citron . Again after 2 episodes the iconic mini reappears .

The movie mini

The same mini which was used in the series was reintroduced in Mr bean’s feature movie and then MR bean’s holiday , apart from these there were various special editions made like the matt red mini , Rema 1000, armchair mini and more .

All cars used were not mini

You may think that all the cars that were used were mini cooper , but here you are wrong and honestly speaking even i did not know .

SLW 287R – main and most used, 1977 Leyland Cars Mini 1000, repainted Austin Citron Green ,YAN 939T – second built for ‘The Trouble with Mr Bean’; a 1978 Austin Morris Mini 1000 ,Russet Brown 1978 Mini ,Russet Brown 1978 Mini .

what happened to the original mini

As per the BMW group classic mini is the mark 3 and they currently kept it as the collection of the BMW group . it also had a detachable steering wheel and a padlock, vital to Mr. Bean in ensuring that he never became separated from his favorite four-wheeled friend .

do let us know in comments below , did you watch mr bean series and also sometimes watch today ?

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